Monday, December 25, 2006

Fear to faith.

Dengan umumnya diistyiharkan bahawa Yap Chee Seng, selaku pelajar HELP University College dengan ID pelajarnya, B600065, telah dikurungkan pada 00:00 pagi 24 Disember 2006. Tarikh untuk pelajar ini dibebaskan daripada hukuman tersebut ialah pada pukul 3:31 petang 23 Januari 2007. Maaf kepada pembaca-pembaca ketul (blog) saya yang tidak bisa Bahasa Melayu.

As of 0000 hrs of 24th December 2006, Yap Chee Seng, a student of HELP University College with his student ID number of B600065 has been sentenced to imprisonment till 1531 hrs of 23rd January 2007. My apologies to my beloved blog-readers who do not comprehend Bahasa Melayu.

Anyhooz can you believe any of this? I didn't at first. But yeah here I am. Grounded. I am blamed. For being irresponsible, not punctual, overly-slacking but that was then and now this is the purpose I am solitarily confined. Anyways. I owe this blog and my beloved blog-readers a post on langkawi. thanks to daddy's sony cybershot =) carl-zeiss baby! but.. it will be awhile more till it gets here.

Freedom is calling.

Perseverance is crucial.

Time is running out.

15 days till it all breaks loose. 15 days and 5 months more and it will ALL be over.

Merry christmas. Happy new year.
Faith will be with us, and no longer fear.

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