Sunday, December 31, 2006


Stolen title from ntv7's 11 pm programme coming on tonight. Retrospective 2006.

Anyway. not much time left. off to dinner soon so this post should be quick. i hope.

7th post-millenium year has led to probably to most unexpected turning points in my life.
I'll do as of chu xiang's blog... stolen again! >=)

364 days ago till today I've..
learnt how easily I'm influenced as well as my influencial-ity
screwed my college work like never before
became a teacher for half a year in a daycare centre
felt the shackles of a worker's life
started cursing again but curbing slowly
found out about William's
found out that it's all about the MSG
felt the happiness of flying solo
attended 4 raves.. wait was it..? r4.. tiesto.. speedzone.. no 3..
clubbed for the 1st time in my life - james' bday @ ruums-ohmsessions-baxx
found joy in a dance besides shuffling
learnt how to foos
regretted about the other 365 days that have passed me
neglected my bedtime
screwed up my appetite
written songs that are beginning to be acceptable
realised college is not cheap
began to love drinking (not excessively)
seen lots of breathtaking seaviews that people would kill for
realised my guitaring has not improved one bit
started to serve God in a ministry
regretted upon my a-levels external
felt no difference upon entering adulthood
began to backslide... (working back on it with Him =])
celebrated Christmas before the day itself in a church for the 1st time ever
been to a prom that's not of my school
slow danced with a girl
sung to the top of my lungs till it sounds like a girl's voice
sat off a BLUDDY HIGH WATERSLIDE IN A'FAMOSA- no joke. 1st time ever.
tasted the wonder of satay celup
lost my freedom for the past few days and more to come till exams are over.
learnt that God is ever so faithful!
of course, STARTED MY BLOG!

most importantly, i'd definitely say i learnt a lot this year and there will definitely be more to come. 06 may not have been the best year, but it was definitely great enough for my 18th. Thank you Father =). there would've been more cuz im darn sure my list aint that small.. its just the time factor. dinner is ringing but this has been a great year for me. now quickly. this list below might be incomplete. but its the new year's mission *quote Ernest*. not resolutions. too few pixels baby.

Tomorrow onwards I...
want to foos better
know God personally better and stick like glue~~
wanna reunite with my friends
wanna know how to dance better =)
wanna own an LG chocolate vx 8500~~
want to play in a band as well =)
want to continue with this blog as well as my journal!
want an upcoming event in help to happen
want to live 2007 to God's fullest!

God blesS~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

banyak happening ar 2006.

happy new yearrrr!